الأربعاء، 15 يونيو 2011

i love you mom and dad quotes

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  • ~Shard~
    Jul 15, 01:31 PM
    The point is that Apple doesn't have an option for potential buyers that want a high performance, customisable and upgradable consumer level product (not all-in-one). There are no Apple product to compare those $1199 Conroe PCs to. The closest thing is the iMac.

    Exactly. As I said above, a PowerMac is overkill (on both price and power) for many users. The iMac might suit their needs from this perspective, however many people do not like the fact that they are not upgradeable (apart from the RAM). What if I want a larger HDD in my iMac? What if I want two HDDs? What if I want to swap in a new burner? What if the HDD fails? It would be nice to pop a new one in, not have to buy a whole new machine. And then there's the display. If the HDD goes, as in my example above, how many people would like to throw away that nice 20" display which still works perfectly? Or, vice versa, what if the display goes? The rest of the computer is perfectly fine...

    A Conroe mini-tower would be perfect for many people. The gap between Mac mini/iMac and PowerMac is simply too large for many people. :cool:

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  • Eidorian
    Aug 27, 07:57 AM
    Conroe power consumption (http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/cpu/display/core2duo-shootout_11.html)

    I also remember another link where it shows the CPU temperature at 100% load being 50� C. (More then likely with a stock heat sink, fan, and in a BTX case.)

    I remember my iMac G5 Rev. B hitting 75� C at 100% load. So there's some room for more heat. I don't know if it'll be as quiet though compared to Yonah.


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  • M-O
    Apr 6, 07:01 PM
    Apple should forget intel and put a quad-core A6 chip in the MacBook Air. Re-architecture Mac OS to run on ARM (OS Xi) and rule the world.

    it may sound crazy now, but you'll see. if anyone knows how to change architectures its Apple. we all know they've got OS X running on an iPad already it the labs.

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  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 25, 01:44 PM
    Wounded, Apple will go on strike and remove all GPS from future devices now. ;)
    Apple's not spiteful at all. Nah. /sarcasm

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  • skunk
    Feb 28, 08:02 PM
    Fornication doesn't matter if the person doesn't care about the religious connotations of marriageIt matters that you describe it as fornication.

    Greek culture also endorsed pederasty!What has this dubious claim to do with anything? :confused:

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 6, 01:29 PM
    It'll be 100,001 when it comes out in the UK when mine gets delivered..... Roll on Saturday!:D

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  • emptyCup
    Aug 5, 06:35 PM
    Xserve Pro (uuuuggghhh!!!... must. remain. Xserve)

    There will be no Xserve Pro until there is an Xserve Non-Pro. Many people would love to see an xserve mini (http://www.roughlydrafted.com/RD/Home/3FE506E2-FD6D-4FC6-BC9C-055F27279DF4.html), but at present there is no need to change the name.

    i love you mom and dad quotes. I LOVE YOU MOM AND DAD

  • SiliconAddict
    Aug 6, 11:36 PM
    I'm not a long time apple user, and don't know about the classic to OS X transition, but i do know that 2 service packs and bug fixes every month did nothing to XP, hence my move to OS X. So, ok i assumed that this will be the same case with vista, but considering the fact that (i think) concept viruses have already been written, and that microsoft really are up against the clock; i think that for at least the first year vista will be hellish.
    After that, ok, maybe things will change, but it seems to me that this isn't the biggest upgrade ever (i'm an end user, and mainly use PC's for web-browsing and school work, so i haven't seen any major good things in vista) and microsoft have struggled to get it out. (sorry kinda off topic)

    I've been using and supporting every version of Windows since 2.0 including Windows NT and 2003 server and while the casual user may not have noticed much difference between XP Pro, XP Pro SP1, and XP Pro SP2 but as someone who manages desktop/laptop images for corp distribution I can tell you right now there has been massive changes in the last 5 years but nothing that is visible from the surface either. Its the same as OS X. While you might not see it more and more of the graphics subsystem has been shifted from the CPU to the GPU with something like 99% of it on the GPU in Tiger.

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  • appleguy123
    Feb 28, 06:42 PM
    Got me on "ignore", have you? :p

    I could never ignore you. :D

    I actually had something typed up to refute it, but it wasn't consistent with what I actually believe or do on the PRSI(and didn't want it used for quote mining against me :) ), so I deleted it. Then I saw that more people were quoting that, so I had to officially resign the point.

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  • gregorsamsa
    Aug 27, 11:36 AM
    Thanks mate, of course I vent my disappointment regarding the overall quality issues. In any case, it should not be luck to catch a good piece of hardware from a company like APPLE, right? It seems as if the hardware quality has in general decreased, I suspect partly because of the place where this hardware is now manufactured... CHINA. I have my own experience on a corporate level with a large mobile phone manufacturer...

    I found that there is a general lack of understanding what quality should be, and especially how long it should last:rolleyes:


    I agree, it shouldn't be luck. Also, whilst I'm trying to keep an open mind about these issues, I think it's pertinent that quite a few people have pointed to the China-connection as partly responsible for some of the hardware problems. I guess a company like Dell, who sell some very cheap computers, can always get away with imperfect products more so. Because people buying Apple know that they're paying a premium for a certain extra Apple quality, they're entitled to expect Apple to consistently deliver.

    I'm definitely not going to excuse Apple for a seemingly alarming number of faults with their first batch of Intel laptops. There's an apparent problem here, however debatable the degree of it, & it needs sorting out. I'd be interested, however, in seeing some statistics about the percentage of faulty laptops from Apple, perhaps over a 12 month period, & how that compares with similarly-priced PC laptops.

    Certainly, before I make my next computer purchase (a 15.4" laptop next year), I'll be paying careful attention to Macrumors, & particularly any postings about the quality, or otherwise, of the latest Mac computers.

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  • fivepoint
    Apr 27, 02:57 PM
    EDIT: They probably DO want the controversy to continue! If I was in his shoes I would be eating it up. Every story on a right-wing birther makes the centerists even more alienated from the right.

    I think it's definitely a political 'win' for him... that much is for sure. Just one of the many reasons I've been saying to let the issue die for a long time, although I always thought the best way to do it would be for him to just release the damn thing. Then he does it, and this crap happens.

    do you even know who generated the PDF? Perhaps the state of Hawaii set up an editable blank form for their use?

    Probably someone in Hawaii originally.

    could be you 2 are using different version of Illustrator or have different settings on them.
    I have only played with Illustrator/ photohop ect but I would not be surprised that it could automatically being doing that when you open the file trying to detected Text and signatures and giving you the ability to remove/move them easily for editing purposes.

    Hell I while I was working I scanned in a document and used software to pull of my signature and save it so i could easily attached it to other documents I was emailing out. Mind you some security got embeded in the file when I was putting it on other PDFs.

    could be any number of reasons.

    Naw, it's far more likely that I'm a liar.

    You said you opened the file in Indesign which is what sparked my interest, because that's something you can't technically do. We've already established long ago that you're untrustworthy, so it's fair to be suspicious.

    Sure there are. Been designing since before you were born. This file does not have layers. It has objects within one group. A document created in 1961 will have been scanned, possible inadvertently split into sections as it's not even a linked group or even a compound path. MattSepata is correct to some extent, but I doubt it's been OCRed. Just a crappily-made PDF... which hasn't even been security-locked.

    Nice try, but no cookie, Sherlock.

    WTF are you talking about? I'm not 'trying' anything. You're just pointing out how ignorant and blinded by bias you really are by your attacks on me. I specifically made the post so that someone could explain it to the rest of us, after specifically explaining I thought there was almost certainly a reasonable explanation. You see what you want to see, nothing more. Amazing that anyone ever wonders why conservatives never stay around these parts, your level of debate is at rock bottom. Amusing, but sad as always, Blue.

    To help 5P understand: Government can not do anything right, not even scan a document and make a lousy secured PDF :p:p

    ;) Clearly.

    Is there an explanation for why it matters to you and all the birthers who buy into this nonsense? I'd love to know which right-wing website had instructions for birthers wanting to "test" the image in Illustrator. It's pretty obvious you were following some fringe-website instructions. I highly doubt you just "happened" to open it in Illustrator and then do whatever. I mean, you aren't a graphic designer.

    Buy into what nonsense? What did I BUY into? I simply asked so that I would know. I guess asking logical questions makes you a raging bible-thumping birther neo con. ;) Also, Inever said I 'happened' top open it in Illustrator. I saw it on Drudge, and thought to myself... 'no way, they wouldn't make that big of a mistake' meaning, give the birthers such obvious ammunition... so I tested it myself. Thanks for pointing out your same sick desire to twist everything I say just like Lee and Blue.

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  • mc68k
    Dec 9, 01:06 AM
    well turns out you win the delorean s2 in part of the game. so much for that epic purchase :(

    one cool thing about this game is since im in front of screen a lot ive been listening to some good new music while playing. been getting back in the old zone. a lot of the old tracks are coming back to me. i can hit a lot of the corners from memory

    the required oil change for all used cars sucks. i put in the code for my free car from pre order. got the nascar and the mclaren stealth. that car is even better than my fully tricked out F40! i tried it on a practice track and it felt much smoother.i almost feel liek its cheating with the SS racing tires. oh well it's still fun and if you miss a corner badly it's still your fault and you lose, so theres till some challenge there.

    edit: looks like i cant sell the delorean. anyone want to trade?

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 20, 01:48 AM
    But it's ok for Apple to sue and Australian grocery store because they think the letter W looks like their logo? LMAO. Please.

    Why do you keep countering an argument that no one is actually making?

    Straw man fail.

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  • davidcmc
    Mar 22, 01:40 PM
    Lol. So many kid Apple fanboys.
    iOS is clearly outdated if compared to Honeycomb and QNX.
    The iPad 2 is nice, but it needs more RAM. Multitasking is just terrible with few RAM and bad OS processes handling.

    Multitasking in iOS is sometimes a joke, specially if you're web browsing and using some chat app (like IM+, BeeJive etc.).

    I'm glad that RIM and Samsung come with those prices.
    Next months will be crucial for me to decide the successor of my iPad 1.

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  • Steviejobz
    Apr 8, 05:22 AM
    This story fails the smell test. A reader told MacRumors? You mean a disgruntled fanboy who has gone iPad-less for two weeks has turned conspiracy theorist?

    All I can say is that there was an inventory tracker on one of these threads and each time it said "in store only" I was able to walk into that store and buy one.

    The second time I bought a unit there were guys carrying boxes of iPads that had just arrived and sold them freely until gone.

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 5, 09:55 PM
    interesting. hope this really happens, and it's good! and cheaper too!

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  • Glideslope
    Apr 25, 03:53 PM
    Except it doesn't use GPS data. It uses cell towers and wifi.

    Ouch!!!!! :apple:

    i love you mom and dad quotes. I LOVE YOU MOM AND DAD QUOTES

  • Aleco
    Apr 8, 01:23 AM
    Best Buy made reservations on the iPad. When I went in and said they have several instock, he checked on the computer. They said they had 5 but it was all for reserved customers that put $100 down in the first place.

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  • Dagless
    Aug 19, 10:19 AM
    Bugger, well I hope there is plenty of access to Premium cars. I intend to play this game in the driver camera view since I'll be playing this on a 3DTV.

    Jun 12, 08:30 AM
    Been skimming over 4 pages here so
    forgive me if this has been answered...

    The only way this Radio Shack deal seems
    to work well is if I can walk in the store,
    hand them my 3GS phone and get immediate
    credit towards an iPhone 4.

    If I have to mail my 3GS back to RS and
    then wait for a gift card to arrive in the
    mail and then go to the store and buy the
    iPhone 4 it is just not worth it.

    So, the question is, can I simply go to
    my Radio Shack store, hand them my
    3GS and get immediate store credit on
    the new iPhone?

    Yes, whole process takes less than 5 minutes.

    You come in tell us you want to trade in
    We log in and appraise it.
    Tell you the appraisal.
    You approve or decline.
    If you approve, we then hit accept and generate a shipping label and some bar codes with a sku number, and amount of credit.
    We put your old iphone in a box slap the label on it and put it to the side.
    We then ring up whatever you are wanting to purchase.
    Scan the sku that tells the computer its about to have an amount scanned.
    Scan the amount.
    Instant Happiness!

    If your total ticket is more than the appraisal it removes the appraised amount, if its less we apply the rest to a gift card.

    Aug 19, 07:48 AM
    I have a question about dual monitor support on the Mac Pro...

    Right now my main desktop is a 3.6 GHz Pentium D Xtreme (codename Smithfield, 2 cores w/ Hyperthreading, looks like 4 cores) running XP Media Center. A very capable machine, but I'm on the verge of getting a 3 GHz Mac Pro (stripped so I can mitigate the financial damage). I want the ATI Radeon display card.

    I have two displays, the 2nd of which is rotated 90 degrees (portrait mode) so it's the perfect size for editing documents or reading long articles. Can I rotate the 2nd display 90 degrees like I can in Windows?

    Aug 11, 10:39 AM
    These iPhone rumours continue to persist. I admit to being a sceptic, but maybe I'm wrong! I just hope that if they do do it, they do it well.

    The Intel Mac rumors persisted too.

    Sep 19, 09:53 AM
    Originally Posted by DocAlge
    I am new to this (and still waiting to buy my first Mac). BUT why all this talk about speed and not about screen size.

    I will buy a new Mac as soon as the new models arrive, but I could probably do with a MacBook - but I just think 13" is to small (my eyes are getting old). Does anyone think a 15" MacBook will be out anytime soon - or do I just have to pay the extra price for the MacBook Pro

    I would go with a 13". I was really surprised how big it was when I saw it the first time.

    Jul 27, 01:45 PM
    I havent checked yet to see if someone mentioned it, but in regard to what people expect to see at WWDC, dont worry if it isnt annouced then... Paris Expo is in September.

    Mac Pro's might come out then i think.

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